What Are The Best Sex Toys

The article talks about various kinds of sex toys available. It also explains different toys available for male and female.

There are countless sex toys on the market today ranging from the basic vibrator to the more exotic sex machines. In general however the most commonly used and purchased item it is vibrator or dildo. It is extremely versatile and can be used by both sexes in a number of ways to enhance sexual pleasure and fun.br br The dildo comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and functions from the basic plastic model to the one that has been designed to emulate the male penis in in every manner, to the much more extreme versions which not only vibrate but can pulse, rotate and even ejaculate.br br Although the standard shape resembles the male genitalia this is not the only shape available, some have tapered head, double heads, bends at the neck or bulbs on the shaft that are designed to stimulate you future and give a heighten level of pleasure and excitement.br br One of the worlds most popular selling dildos is the Rabbit, it has that standard penis shaped head and shaft with a mid section filled with beads which can rotate. It has a number of speed settings and of course the rabbit head which is in just the right position to excite the clitoris.br br Another option are beads and balls, these can be used for both vaginal and anal use. Anal toys are another popular buy for both sexes and as well as the more slimline vibrators there are also butt plugs and booty beads.br br Men are not left out, they have a whole host of things to chose from such as hand held masturbating devices that mimic the vagina or anus. Cock rings which help to increase sensitivity and orgasm and even pumps and enlarging systems.br br For sex in the shower there are a number of toys that can help with the solo and joint ventures and include toys such as a vibrating rubber duck, vibrating sponges, suction handcuffs and waterproof dildos.br br Sex dolls are another options and in this area you are by no means limited to the blow up variety, although the range of blow of dolls is much better than most would think. If you are looking for something a little more solid you can try one of the talking sex dolls, these have mouth, vagina, anus and breasts and all sexual parts have been designed to feel as much like the real thing as possible.br br In addition to the sex aids there are a range of gels and creams to help aid sexual satisfaction, from the basic lubricant to ones that make you tingle and ones that can help reduce feeling in certain areas such as the anus and is especially good for first time anal fun.br br Take some time to explore all the possibilities prior to making a purchase although the dildo is the most popular and can be used in a number of ways it is not the only option. Keep and open mind and try something new and you will find the experimenting really is fun.br br Under no circumstances do the addition of sex toys to a couples life mean that either party is not fully enjoying the love making anymore, it simply means you have been together long enough to explore new horizons and take the pleasure to the next level with the aid of some fun and funky toysbr


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